June 5, 2022. In Sagaing Township’s Thagara village, a 79-year-old woman was shot and killed by the military during an attack on June 4 at around 6:30 AM. ...
June 3, 2022. In Sagaing Region’s Wetlet Township, the military burned down more than 100 homes in Kyauk Taing village during an operation on June 1 and 2, ...
June 3, 2022. In Chin State’s Kanpetlet Township, the military arrested and executed a local resident named Ko Keetam on the morning of June 1, but has refused ...
June 2, 2022. In Myaing Township, a protest march was held today by the General Strike Committee of Basic Education and local residents, united in their opposition to ...
May 31, 2022. Thantlang, Chin State, has been set ablaze for the 28th time by the occupying military junta forces, resulting in the destruction of more than 1,200 ...
May 30, 2022. In Khinu Township’s Tharyetkone Village, Sagaing Region, the military and Pyusawhti forces burned 75 homes on May 29, while also looting displaced villagers along the ...
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