Monks in Ahra Taw Township Launch Protest Against Military Junta with Patanaikuzana Campaign

June 29, 2024

In Ahra Taw Township, monks have initiated a protest against the military junta with the Patanaikuzana campaign, marching alongside the public to express their discontent. Reports indicate that on June 29, monks in Ahra Taw Township began the Patanaikuzana monk-led strike, supported by the local protest coordination committee and the Ahra Taw Student Union (Vakhatha Federation).

The Patanaikuzana campaign was first launched by monks in Chauk U Township on June 23, followed by participation from monks in Dipeyin, Tanshwe, Salin, and Sagaing townships on June 24, 25, and 26. Monks from Monya and Myingyan townships joined on June 27, with Ahra Taw monks participating in the campaign today, June 29.

The Patanaikuzana campaign is a decision by the monks to express solidarity against the military junta, emphasizing the need for unity. This follows the assassination of U Win Naing, a member of the National Monk Advisory Committee, by the junta on June 19, which spurred the monks to take action against the military.