NUG Minister Dr. Sasa Attends Community Meeting and ‘Pyaat’ Film Screening in Boston

December 1, 2024

In Boston, Massachusetts, Myanmar families gathered for a community meeting with Dr. Sasa, the Minister of International Cooperation for the National Unity Government (NUG), followed by a screening of the film *Pyaat*. The events were held on November 30 and aimed to foster solidarity among the diaspora and support the ongoing resistance movement in Myanmar.

During the meeting, Dr. Sasa provided updates on the current state of the revolution, addressing attendees’ questions and concerns. The discussion highlighted the challenges and progress of the pro-democracy efforts. Following the talk, attendees participated in a screening of *Pyaat*, a film directed by Saw Aye Htoo and led by revolutionary artist Min Maw Kun.

The event also featured the sale of memorabilia related to the film, an auction, and a food sale of traditional Myanmar dishes. Proceeds from these activities were announced to be directly donated to areas of need within the revolution, emphasizing the community’s dedication to the cause.

The dual event provided an opportunity for Myanmar expatriates in Boston to connect, express their support for the movement, and contribute to efforts aimed at restoring democracy in Myanmar.