Two 7-Year-Old Boys Killed by Explosion of Abandoned 40mm Shells Left by Military

June 20, 2022

In Gangaw Township, Magway Region, two 7-year-old boys, Maung Pyay Soon and Maung Min Htut Zaw, were killed due to the explosion of 40mm shells abandoned by the military, according to local sources and the PDF-Gangaw. The incident occurred around 5 PM on June 19, when the shells exploded in a forested area south of Kyauk Gyi village during an ongoing military operation. The PDF-Gangaw’s statement emphasized the importance of reporting any unexploded ordnance or dangerous materials found in villages and forests, urging parents to prevent their children from handling or playing with such items. It was also highlighted that the presence of abandoned shells poses a significant danger, and immediate notification to local protective units is necessary if any such items are discovered.