Military Executes Three Elderly Civilians in Laung Lone, Loots Valuables from Homes

June 27, 2022

Three elderly civilians from Kadetgyi and Gote Inn villages in Laung Lone Township, Tanintharyi Region, were executed by military forces on the night of June 26, according to the Democracy Movement Strike Committee (Dawei District). At around 11:30 PM on June 26, approximately 15 soldiers from the military junta stormed five houses in Kadetgyi village. U Thaung Win, over 60 years old, and Daw Win Aye were shot at close range with cable-tied bullets, killing them instantly. The soldiers also looted valuables and destroyed some property inside the houses, the DMSC-Dawei reported. In a similar attack in Gote Inn village, U San Win, over 50 years old, was shot in front of his house. The soldiers took money, gold jewelry, and a motorcycle from his home. The junta soldiers involved in these killings were reportedly from the military’s security forces in Laung Lone and Pyusawhti militia members stationed in Pandale village. According to the DMSC, six civilians have been killed in similar attacks over the past 10 days.