Two Men Escape to PDF After Forced Military Conscription Upon Return from Thailand

March 11, 2025

Two Myanmar nationals, who were detained in Thailand for illegal entry and later deported, have fled to join People’s Defense Forces (PDF) after being forcibly conscripted by the junta, according to local sources on March 11.

The escapees, identified as 30-year-old Thet Naing Htwe and Naing Win Htun, were imprisoned in Ranong, Thailand, before being deported through the Thai-Myanmar border to Kawthaung on January 21.

Upon arrival, they were taken into custody by the junta’s Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 431 in Kawthaung and later transferred to a military training school for combat and mobilization in Shwe Duu village, Myeik Township, on January 29, locals said.

Following a mass escape of 16 conscripts from the training camp, the two men fled on March 6 and sought refuge with the People’s Defense Forces in Myeik Township.