Military Arson and Killings in Khin-U and Myo districts

May 21, 2022.

In Khin-U Township, Sagaing Region, armed forces burned down approximately 70 houses in the village of Intainlay on May 20, according to local reports. During the attack, three villagers, including Ko Naing Oo, Ko Win Baw, and Ma Lone Khin, were killed by heavy weapon fire. Additionally, a 75-year-old grandfather named U Sein Lin was reportedly murdered in the arson.

It is believed there may be more victims of the military’s actions in Intainlay, with reports indicating that armed forces are also stationed in nearby New Kone village. Locals stated that the military’s violent actions have forced villagers to flee.

Three military vehicles that left Ye-U heading toward Khin-U were attacked by mines on May 20, prompting the armed forces to retaliate by setting fire to Intainlay village, leading to mass evacuations.

The Khin-U Township news committee confirmed that in the two days from May 19 to 20, ten civilians were killed due to deliberate attacks by military personnel. On the afternoon of May 19, clashes occurred near Zinyaw village in Ye-U, with the military indiscriminately firing heavy weapons into surrounding areas, resulting in injuries and fatalities among civilians.

On May 20, in Khin-U Township, military forces entered the village of Kyawpinkan and brutally killed a civilian encountered on the road. In the afternoon of the same day, three military vehicles leaving Ye-U were attacked, leading to further assaults on Intainlay (south) village with heavy weapons, resulting in the deaths of three locals and the destruction of around 70 houses.

Over the course of May 19 and 20, the military’s attacks led to ten civilian fatalities and five others requiring medical treatment, with over 30 villages in Khin-U Township reported to have been burned and destroyed.

Similarly, on May 21, military forces were reported to have set fire to the villages of Ne Pukone, Phonkaung, and Mintan in Myo Township.