A military airstrike carried out by the junta on KhaYine Village in TaungKok Township, Rakhine State, has resulted in the deaths of two civilians and injuries to at least 19 others, according to reports from Arakan Princess Media.
The attack occurred on the afternoon of December 1 at around 3:30 PM, when the military dropped no fewer than four bombs on KhaYine Village. The village, a refuge for displaced civilians from TaungKok town and surrounding areas, has been sheltering residents fleeing intense clashes in the urban center.
Among the deceased are Daw Ma Thein (71) from Seeyon Quarter, TaungKok, and Maung Kyaw Thet Naing (17) from Thaya Aye Village. Both had sought safety in KhaYine Village prior to the attack. In addition, 19 displaced persons residing in the village sustained injuries of varying severity during the bombing.
Kyaukkyi Village’s role as a haven for displaced persons highlights the increasing vulnerability of civilians in conflict zones, as intensified fighting continues to force communities to seek safety in areas now also targeted by military actions.
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